October 9, 2022
Join Bishop Dudley and Dr. Marty K. Casey on this new podcast episode! How do you overcome hurt, disappointment, trauma and bounce back to a place of purpose? Dr Casey has the answers and techniques to move you pass hurt into being a hero to yourself and others who look to you for leadership. She brings all her past as actress, activist, personal coach and many awards from Presidential to regional to bear to elevate you into the leader you are called to be. BIO: After more than three decades as a performing artist on major global stages, Marty K. Casey, has transformed her craft beyond the world of entertainment to show the restorative power of the arts to heal hurting people. In 2020, just days before a forced lock down caused by a global pandemic, Dr. Casey performed her one-woman show in the Big Apple for the largest non-profit nation-wide, AARP New York. Casey brilliantly used the story of her own trauma-ridden life to give hope to a sold-out crowd. This performance shined the light on arts efficacy as a tool for mitigating trauma impact. Following her New York show, the close of theatres throughout the world brought an abrupt halt to Casey’s live performances, a pivotal moment that prompted Dr. Casey to relaunch her artistic focus to address a more pressing societal need: trauma impact resolution. Toward this end, Casey leveraged the ARTS for therapeutic purposes, and in 2020, she founded UnGun® Institute, where the display of synergy between applied arts and trauma healing could be maximized and experienced by the masses. In the span of just two years, Dr. Casey and her Team have presented UnGun® workshops for organizations such as Preferred Family Healthcare (St. Louis, MO); St. Louis Public Schools (St. Louis, MO); Blessed are the Peace Makers and National Black Police Association (Dallas, TX); The Peace Center (Bathe, Maine); St. Louis Service Women’s Post 404 (St. Louis, MO), To date, nearly 10,000 people have been positively impacted by UnGun® methodology and strategies. An ode to her entertainment roots and with expected impact on the entertainment industry, UnGun® products have been numerously featured inside the Gifting Suites of the Oscars and the Emmy Awards. Her message of healing and now her trademarked UnGun® approach for mitigating the impact of trauma have landed Dr. Casey on stages beyond the theatre to broader spaces that include government, education, business, healthcare, and community-based sectors. She has represented the UnGun® Institute as a featured presenter for the Parliament of the World’s Religion Global Conference; World Unity Week; World Peace Week; Alex Haley Museum; American Voice Foundation; General Congress of Women; African American Museum; Chosen for Change Foundation; The Michael O.D. Brown Foundation; and Shoot for the Stars Foundation (Hip Hop Artist Pop Smoke Memorial Foundation) to name a few. Featured on the cover of the St. Louis Business Journal, Dr. Casey is lauded as one of the Top 25 Most Influential Businesswomen in St. Louis. In 2021, she received the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award signed by President Joseph R. Biden. Dr. Casey actively serves on the Grants Council for PurposeEarth.com in alignment with her mission to heal communities through the empowerment of recovery through expressive arts. Globally recognized as a transformational trauma coach, Dr. Marty K. Casey remains committed to equipping as many people possible with strategies, tools, and techniques for eradicating harmful responses to trauma that wreak havoc on families, communities, and the world, at large. https//www.unguninstitute.com