Replacement Theory Vs Critical Race Theory!
The Great Replacement Theory has taken hold in America even though its roots are deeply imbedded in white supremacy and white nationalism. Given that this theory is propagated in some quarters of main stream America it is incumbent upon leaders to learn how to lead others in the wake of this theory. Dr. Emerson drills down into this theory and compares it to Critical Race Theory. He gives leaders the handles as to how to pull followers through the maze of racism.
Michael O. Emerson (Ph.D., University of North Carolina, 1991) is Professor and Head in the Department of Sociology at the University of Illinois Chicago. He has published widely in the areas of race, religion, and urban sociology. He is the author of 15 books and nearly 100 other publications, secured over 7 million dollars in research grants, and has won several national awards for his research. He is the married and the father of four children. He and his wife Joni attend New Community Covenant Church in Chicago.