Is leadership a trait, a function, a calling or are leaders built? These questions and many more will be answered in this engaging interview with one of the nation’s emerging luminaries of leaders – Dr. Antipas Harris. Dr. Dudley engages Dr. Harris who has been a professor at many of the nation’s leading leadership programs. He is a tenured professor of leadership at Regents University now leading his own social justice community agency. He drills down on how emerging leaders can have tier skills and exact their influence locally to globally. Are you the leader you want to be? Listen and learn how to lead.
Bio--- Dr. Antipas Harris has dedicated his life to the fight for social justice and leading at the intersection of faith and public life. Two convictions undergird Harris’ work. The first is that he is convinced that people are eager to see things change for common good. Secondly, faith has an ongoing public role in the life and vitality of society.
Harris has led public classes and panels on race in America, politics and faith, gentrification, and immigration. Over the past 20 years, Harris has served on several university faculties. He was also the founding president of Jakes Divinity School in Dallas, TX. Antipas earned a Bachelor’s degree from LaGrange College, a Master’s degree from Emory University, a Master’s degree from Yale University, a Doctor of Ministry from Boston University, and a Doctor of Philosophy from St. Thomas University.