Looking for Business Solutions with Dr. Shannon Williams
Do you have a business?
Do you want to go in business?
Are you in business but not making the profit you believe you should be making or growing at the rate you should?
Then Dr. Shannon Williams has solutions. This podcast will elevate your business acumen and set you up for a successful business journey. Dr. Williams give you practical A-B-C’s, 1, 2, 3’s of entrepreneurship.
Shannon Williams, Ph.D. is an entrepreneur, scholar, researcher and practitioner. She has co-founded and led various entrepreneurial ventures and provides consulting services for startups and existing entrepreneurs. Dr. Williams is also the founder and Chief Executive Nerd of geniuscribes.com, where she leads a team that provides ghostwriting and publishing services to high-level academics and professionals, and a team of “doctor makers” that provides dissertation coaching and editing services to doctoral students, helping them to ascend into the ranks of the 1% of Americans with Ph.Ds.
In addition to researching and teaching entrepreneurship as an adjunct university professor, she has published two books in the genre: The Business Birthing Blueprint and Spiritual Entrepreneurship. Dr. Williams is currently responsible for launching and leading empowerment programs for the Booker T. Washington Empowerment Center for The Reflections of Christ’s Kingdom in Houston, Texas. She greatly enjoys adventuring, learning and serving church and community.
For more info go to www.DrshannonWilliams.com